05/10/2019 · Best KODI Addons 2020 - Always Updated List Of 100% Working Addons - Duration: 10:03. Dimitrology 97,973 views. 10:03. EXODUS REDUX 100% WORKING 2020!!! - Duration: 9:15.

4 oct. 2019 Les 10 addons Kodi les mieux notés de 2019. Exodus Version 8.0. Exodus est une extension créée par les mêmes développeurs que Genesis. Exodus is one of the best TV and Movie addons developed by the creator of Genesis. The addon provides you with the ability to watch streaming videos from   4 Dec 2018 By install Genesis addon on your kodi, you can watch many favorite movies, tv shows with many 1080p streams links from multi sources (free  9 May 2015 The Kodi Genesis add-on will allow you to watch every single TV show and Access the Genesis add-on settings by navigating to Add-ons 

01/07/2020 · Choosing Kodi addons may seem overwhelming considering the vast number of addons that are available out there and even difficult is finding a completely functional addon. Kodi addons are not always completely stable and run the risk of being taken down if they face any legal issues. This happened with popular addons like Neptune Rising, Placenta and Uranus etc. Unfortunately, These addons has

Bonjour à tous, Je suis exactement dans le même cas, ça serait plus agréable de le voir via kodi sur mon rpi que sur mon PC. J'avais regardé dans les addon canal+ ou mycanal mais il n'y a pas d'option pour paramétrer l'addon avec un login/password, vraiment dommage.

15 Dec 2017 1- Genesis; is the first popular multi-source addon and originally developed by Lamba. The Genesis Kodi addon got massive popularity in 2014 
